Creating a production

To be able to create a production on Qyre you need to be Community verified by at least one other user on Qyre, or by us. When you are community verified you can go ahead and create your first production.

Web Interface

Click Productions in the left bar menu, then click + Create production located at the top right.

  1. Upload a Cover image
  2. Enter your Project description
  3. Enter your Production name and select your Production type.
  4. Select your Production phase and select your Planned start date.
  5. Select your Currency of choice for the production.

Click Next, and your production is created.

Mobile App

Open the main menu on the hamburger icon at the bottom bar and click Productions.
Click the Round + icon located at the bottom right.

  1. Upload a Cover image
  2. Enter your Project description
  3. Enter your Production name and select your Production type.
  4. Select your Production phase and select your Planned start date.
  5. Select your Currency of choice for the production.

Click Next, and your production is created.

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